one difference between the admendment process of the US and the Florida Constitution is ____?

3 answers

One key difference between the amendment process of the U.S. Constitution and that of the Florida Constitution is the method by which amendments can be proposed.

In the U.S. Constitution, amendments can be proposed either by a two-thirds majority vote in both houses of Congress or by a national convention called by two-thirds of state legislatures.

In contrast, the Florida Constitution allows for amendments to be proposed through a citizens' initiative, which requires the gathering of a certain number of signatures from registered voters. This process enables the public to have a more direct role in proposing amendments compared to the federal process.

Florida created that difference because _____?

Florida created that difference to enhance direct democracy and allow citizens greater involvement in the legislative process. By enabling voters to propose amendments through a citizen initiative, Florida provides a mechanism for the electorate to address issues or concerns that may not be prioritized by the legislature. This approach encourages public participation, empowers citizens to take action on particular issues, and reflects a commitment to a more participatory form of governance.