To round the number 126,945 to the nearest hundred thousand, ten thousand, and thousand, we can follow these steps:
Rounding to the nearest hundred thousand:
- The closest hundred thousand values are 100,000 and 200,000. Since 126,945 is closer to 100,000, it rounds to 100,000.
Rounding to the nearest ten thousand:
- The closest ten thousand values are 120,000 and 130,000. Since 126,945 is closer to 130,000, it rounds to 130,000.
Rounding to the nearest thousand:
- The closest thousand values are 126,000 and 127,000. Since 126,945 is closer to 127,000, it rounds to 127,000.
Now, listing the rounded figures:
- Nearest hundred thousand: 100,000
- Nearest ten thousand: 130,000
- Nearest thousand: 127,000
Among these, the rounded amount that is closest to the actual attendance of 126,945 is 127,000 (nearest thousand).