On their way to school to friends find a wallet with a large amount of money. One wants to keep the money and not return the wallet to the owner.But one is against the idea.Write a dialogue that takes place between the friends. Word count should be 160-180

1 answer

Friend 1: Hey, check this out! I found a wallet on the ground. Woah! It looks like there's a lot of money inside!

Friend 2: Whoa, really? Let me see. Holy cow, you're right! There's a ton of cash in here. But, wait, don't you think we should try to find the owner?

Friend 1: Are you kidding? Look at all this money! It's like a little fortune just fell into our hands. I don't see why we should give it back to the owner.

Friend 2: I understand it's a lot of money, but think about it. Someone must be devastated right now, possibly frantically searching for this wallet. How would you feel if it were your wallet that got lost?

Friend 1: Well, yeah, I guess that would be awful. But still, this money could solve so many of our problems. We could use it for things we've always wanted!

Friend 2: Sure, it might help us in the short term, but it's not right to benefit from someone else's loss. Plus, what if they genuinely need it for something important? We should at least attempt to find the owner and return it.

Friend 1: Fine, fine, you're right. Let's see if there's any identification in the wallet that could help us locate the owner. I just hope they're grateful for our honesty.

Friend 2: Trust me, doing the right thing is its own reward. Let's try to make someone's day by returning what doesn't belong to us.