On the bus, at home, or in class, sit quietly and watch another person for about five minutes. 1. Jot down any nonverbal communication that a person uses. (For example, he drowns, he chews his pencil, he rests his chin in his hand, etc.) 2. What do these nonverbal acts mean? (Translate them.) Locate and describe at least five nonverbal gestures.
2 answers
No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no rough drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.
On the bus, at home, or in class, sit quietly and watch another person for about five minutes.
1. Jot down any nonverbal communication that person uses. (For example, he frowns, he chews his pencil, he rests his chin in his hand, etc.)
2. What do these nonverbal acts mean? (Translate them.)
1. Jot down any nonverbal communication that person uses. (For example, he frowns, he chews his pencil, he rests his chin in his hand, etc.)
2. What do these nonverbal acts mean? (Translate them.)