On p. 12 of the lesson, you read about a student named Maya. Maya is concerned about her carbon footprint.

1. Why is Maya's plastic use related to her carbon footprint? (All of these statements are true. Pick the one that best and most directly explains how plastic use is related to increased carbon footprints.)

(1 point)

Plastic is useful and readily available.
Plastic is useful and readily available.

Plastic is often created from molecules taken from natural gas and petroleum
Plastic is often created from molecules taken from natural gas and petroleum

Plastic is an inexpensive way to transport goods.
Plastic is an inexpensive way to transport goods.

Plastic can sometimes be recycled.
Plastic can sometimes be recycled.
Question 2
Maya kept track of some of her plastic use for a week. She put the details in this table. Once she sees the data, she makes a commitment to make one change this week to start reducing her plastic consumption.

2. Which one of the following changes could Maya make to have the quickest, biggest impact to reduce her plastic use?

(1 point)

Maya could wash and re-use her cutlery (forks, spoons, and knives).
Maya could wash and re-use her cutlery (forks, spoons, and knives).

Maya could stop using plastic bags when she shops.
Maya could stop using plastic bags when she shops.

Maya could use a reusable container instead of using a disposable take-out container.

5 answers

Maya could stop using plastic bags when she shops.
there is 2 questions
My apologies for missing the second question. Here is the response for the second question:

2. Maya could stop using plastic bags when she shops.
what is the answer for the 1st and second question
For the first question:
Plastic is often created from molecules taken from natural gas and petroleum

For the second question:
Maya could stop using plastic bags when she shops.