On each line write the letter or letters that descirbe the type of relationship the words have to each other. Choose from the following types.
S-Synonym A-Antonym PW--part and whole
F-Function L-Location CE--cause and effect
D-Degree C-classicication CQ--Characteristic Quality
PA--Performer and action PO--performer and object AO--Action and object
1. Lunar:Moonlike--S
(a) candidate:speech--PA
(b) truth:lie-A
(c) sunny:bright--S
(d) warm:boiling--D
(e) oven:bake--AO
2. Pharmacy:Medicines::L
(a) pretzel:salty--CQ
(b) tailor:needle--PO
(c) kitchen:spices--L
(d) notes:mucis--PW
(e) wild:tame--A
3. Pry:Crowbar--AO
(a) shave:razor--AO
(b) quilt:stitched--F
(c) split:divide--S
(d) pound:nail-D
(e) guitar:instrument-C