On a campus of 9000 students, a single student returned to campus with a case of measles on Monday January 5th. The infirmary is keeping track of the number of students who have been diagnosed with the disease
Day # of students infected
1. 2
2. 5
3. 9
4. 28
5. 64
6. 81
7. 320
8. 799
9. 900
10. 2908
11. 4901
12. 6644
13. 7841
14. 8500
•find the best model for the spread of disease that best represents all of the data
•graph the data and explain why the graph looks the way it does
•what is the predicted number of infected students after one week? How well does your model represent all given data?
•on what day will 2/3 of the students become infected?