On a 20 degree Celsius day, a hot air balloon is estimated to lift 600 kg to carry you, two friends, the operator and his dog, along with the weights of the balloon and some food and drinks. That means that the hot air in the balloon has to be somehow 600 kg lighter than the same balloon would be filled with 20 degrees Celsius air. One mole of air has at 20 degrees Celsius has a mass of 29g. The air pressure during the flight will be constant and the volume of the balloon doesn’t change. The gas burners used for hot air balloons heat the air in the balloon consistently to 100 degrees Celsius.

- why is the hot air ballon lighter than the 20 degrees Celsius air balloon?

- how many moles of air have a mass of 600 kg?

- how many moles of air fit into the balloon for take off?

- can the balloon safely carry 600 kg?

3 answers

I forgot to add in that the balloon is a perfect sphere with a diameter of 15 meters :)
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