om ,begin bold,Nationalism: The Ideal,end bold,

What is the ideal which we must set before us? The first and foremost is the ideal of nationalism. Now what is Nationalism? It is, I conceive, a process through which a nation expresses itself and finds itself, not in isolation from other nations but, as part of a great scheme by which, in seeking its own expression and therefore its own identity, it materially assists the self-expression and self-realisation of other nations as well. Diversity is as real as Unity. And in order that the unity of the world may be established it is essential that each nationality should proceed on its own lines and find fulfilment in self-expression and self-realisation. . . . I contend that each nationality constitutes a particular stream of the great unity, but no nation can fulfil itself until it becomes itself and at the same time realises its identity with Humanity. The whole problem of nationalism is therefore to find that stream and to face the destiny. If you find the current and establish a continuity with the past, then the process of self-expression has begun, and nothing can stop the growth of nationality.

A photo of Chittaranjan Das (Deshbandhu), 1870 to 1925.

(from "Nationalism: The Ideal" by Chittaranjan Das, published as C. R. Das)

This sentence is from the passage.

"I contend that ,begin emphasis,each nationality constitutes a particular stream of the great unity,end emphasis,, but no nation can fulfil itself until it becomes itself and at the same time realises its identity with Humanity."

What does the phrase ,begin emphasis,each nationality constitutes a particular stream of the great unity,end emphasis, imply about nationalism?
Answer options with 4 options

Nationalism demands a consistent plan for the future of a nation.

Nationalism requires focusing on connections with other nations.

Nationalism is an ideal that is important to work toward even though it remains out of reach.

Nationalism allows a nation to be both an individual country and part of the larger collective.

1 answer

4. Nationalism allows a nation to be both an individual country and part of the larger collective.