Okay, so I'm doing this project for school about careers.

And I decided to do "Games Developer" and "Computer Animation"

I'm wondering whether or not those two jobs are somewhat similar.

ANy insight is appreciated, thank you.

2 answers

they r similar in way. You are supposed to animate and create characters on the computer for both of them. Computer effects and computer knowledge is also needed.

Did it help ???
Here are some links from the Occupational Outlook Handbook that may help you:


http://www.bls.gov/opub/ooq/2002/fall/art02.pdf (Make sure you have Adobe's Acrobat reader on your computer to read this one.)

http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/1998/03/art3full.pdf (Again, needs Acrobat reader.)


And there are several in here, too: