Okay so I understand this is incredibly unconventional, but I have a big favor to ask. I just got a chem exam back and my teacher still has not posted my scantron score. I was wondering if it is at all possible for you guys to just spot-check for accuracy. It can be rough or quick estimates, I just need a score because I am meeting with my academic adviser tomorrow and I really want to be able to give him good feedback on how I did on the test (not just my own rambling personal feedback.) If you can estimate my grade then THANK YOU SO MUCH that means a lot to me.
I've posted the questions 1-19, with the answers at the bottom:
imgur (.) com / a / N3vcj
Thank you for your time.
1 answer
Sorry for the post-script but I had to add spaces and the parentheses so the picture album will upload. If this is just too unconventional then I apologize.