Okay so can someone just tell me what questions i should answer that consist of what there needs to be for the following major titles which are: this is for a powerpoint presentation that needs to have slides in each one for every topic approx.5lines,and approx 5 words per bullet point.
what i mean is if someone could just explain to me for instance for #1
*Relationship with god/torah
( what should i talk about)
*History of key sacred texts
(what should i talk about what points)
*ten commandments
*the nation of Israel
*Different Sects of Judaism (modern day)
*the holocaust
*sacred practices and holidays
*judaism today
Please check the Judaism for children sites linked below for simplified information about your points. For instance, I found these facts for Jews' relationship with God.
"What do Jews believe?
Jews believe that there is a single God who not only created the universe, but with whom every Jew can have an individual and personal relationship."
"The Jews were promised by G*d that they were the chosen people and that G*d would lead and protect them until they reached the Kingdom Of Heaven. G*d's name is too holy and important to be said or written properly, I have put a star instead of the o each time it occurs, this is similar to how a Jew would write it."
If you can't find information on some of your points in those sites, please post another message and we'll try to help you.