The ideas on this webpage will help you learn how to phrase searches on Google:
This webpage will teach you how to determine reliable websites to pull information from:
Okay, I was just wanting to know what would be some key things to research. For a final project I either need to make a powerpoint, write an essay, or make a poster. The topic goes along with the book we have read, "The face on the Milk Carton." My teacher gave some idea questions, and here are a few that she gave, and that interest me.
•Should families of estranged children be allowed full custody if the child is found, and is living with a new family?
•What would be the best process for reuniting estranged children with their families after several years?
• Does "strict" parenting help prevennt kidnapping/abduction of children?
I have a few questions. First question, how do I know what sites are trustworthy for finding informaition to back up my responses. Next question, and what are the best way to phrase these questions, or questions of the like, into Gooogle?
1 answer