Okay,I need to create a newsletter on the olden days. The year is 1599 and I have to write 3 paragraphs on 3 different people. 1 play review, 1 song review and 2 editorials. I am currently writing about:

- The Battle of Curlew Pass (Red Hugh O'Donnell)
- The grand opening of The Globe theatre. (Shakespeare)
- and something else....

Don't know what to write about for play and music review and the 2 eidtorials.

What would be a creative Title?
Was thinking of "The British Times"
But its kind of drab.
Also, what could I do to make the newsletter creative?

It's due Friday 6. So it's URGENT.
Any ideas would be appreciated greatly.

1 answer

The play review is obvious.


This site may give you some ideas about editorials.
