okay I need a little help here on next program this what it say for first one which I have done.

Create a counting program that counts backward from 100 to 1 in increments of 10.
#include < stdio.h >
int main ()
Int i;
while ( I > = 1 )
printf ( “ % d \ n “ , i ) ;
i = i – 10 ;
system ( “ pause “ ) ;
return 0 ;
now the next thing to do is this program and I cant figure it out can some help me how write it out please.

Create a counting program that prompts the user for three inputs (shown next) that determine how and what to count. Store the user’s answers in variables. Use the acquired data to build your counting program with a for loop and display the results to the user:

•Beginning number to start counting from

•Ending number to stop counting at

.Increment number

1 answer

Man it's been a while since I've done C.
Look up scanf. You need to know the data type and the name of the variable you want to store it in (the variable must have already been made).
You do that three times for the 3 inputs asked from the user and after that it's just a matter of using those variables in the loop.

So instead of saying:
int i = 0;
while (i < 10)
i = i + 5;

you can do this:
int i = 0;
int j = 0;

-type your scanf code here, specifying the data type and the variable to be used (j in this case)

//when the program runs and it //gets to the scanf portion. The //user will be prompted to type //something in. Let's say we're at //that point and the user types in //10. 10 is stored in j.

while (i < j)
i = i+5;

You can add another scanf with another variable.

Jesus Christ. I'm making it harder than it looks. I apologize. It's really simple and I'm sure you'll get it after you read up scanf syntax. I mean I could do that for you, but I am also procrastinating and working on a physics problem that I can't figure out. Best of luck!