Okay, I know this isn't techinically 'homework help', but I have to do a project about the Taming of the Shrew. It can be anything from a character analysis, to a study of hawk training, to a report on Elizabethan fashions. Anything that is, in any way, remotely related to the play is fair game. Any ideas? I'm thinking of making a short movie, SURVIVOR: PADUA (I stole the idea from YouTube) Oh, yeah, and I have to give a five minute presentation.


1 answer

I went to www.google.com and entered elizabethan, knowing that I'd get results that would help me about the era -- history, costumes, etc.

If you are going to do a short movie, you'll want to get the setting and costumes right.

Remember that you can google just about anything, including the play's title (put it in quotation marks to keep the words together in the search), to help you gather ideas and images.
