Okay I have to do short paper on my results for a survey that I did to determine which branch of psychology I would be best suited for. My results were Behavioral: 20, Humanistic: 20, and Psychoanalytical: 17. I think my main problem is getting all of the information I need into a double spaced, one-page paper.

I have to consider the historical approach(es) that I am inclined to believe is most useful in examining psychological issues. I also have to integrate my thoughts and feelings about this choice as well as the results of the survey, noting/explaining consistencies and inconsistencies. And I have to include my scores.
I do have another problem: I don't know what my feelings are in regards to the different branches of psychology. Except psychoanalytical. I don't like that one. I guess I lean more towards Humanistic, but I don't know where to start on this stupid paper. Please help me! Thank you in advance. =)

2 answers

For a double-spaced, one-page paper, I'd concentrate only on the branch you are inclined toward: humanistic.

Once you realize that you don't need to address the others, it should be better. List ideas in categories:

historical approaches
psychological issues
reasons for your choice
results of survey

Does that make sense?
Yes, I agree, one page double spaced is not a dissertation, and even in that you will have to be succinct. I suspect the issue will be the issue is do you Know Thyself (feelings), so spend some time jotting notes on that before you write.