Okay, I am in Essay writing and I need to write a conclusionary paragraph on firewood, I need to first write a thesis statement with it using oak, willow and fir I must end with a recommendation about their relative efficiency as a heat source.

x_x A.k.a sometihng I know nothing about..

I mean Concluding

Here is one of the BEST websites I've found to help students with their writing, whether they are in college or not. http://nutsandbolts.washcoll.edu/

And this section on conclusions is excellent -- shows you weak and fixed conclusions -- AND explains why.

Look at your introduction including your thesis statement and then read this over. (If you are not happy with your introduction or have questions about a thesis statement, scroll down on the left until you see the STRUCTURE section and click on The Beginning.)

Once you've written your conclusion, please re-post, and someone here will be happy to give you feedback.


Concluding is the final,answer,or how it all ends.