Okay here is my start for an essay. How does it look so far. Can somehow someone give me like an outline the points i should answer. I am not good in essays and i have no one to help me at home. these are the questions that i need to answer within the essay.
(1) considering hinduism lacks a uniting believe system, what makes up the hindu religion.
(2)what are the cultural and societal influences that have made Hinduism vital to the region in which it originated?
(3) What is the desire for liberation from earthly existence.
this is what i have so far from the reading:
What is Hinduism? Hinduism is such a diverse religion, which is more as a term for a belief. The term Hinduism originated on the Indian subcontinent, which has no founder. Hinduism is made up of diverse religious beliefs, practices, dominations, and traditions. It is the world’s largest religion after Christianity and Islam.