My name is Columbus.
I had my first voyage in fourteen-ninety two.
I sailed across the ocean, big and blue.
With my three ships, Piñta, Nina, and ol’ Santa Maria from Spain,
We sail during cold shivering nights, sunlight, wind and rain.
On the day of October 12th 1492 the Pinta sees land so we set ashore.
We leave our boats and ships and explore.
We plant our crosses in the ground, securing them.
Fore then we unfurled the King and Queens banner, claiming the land.
The Indians do not argue with us.
We were the people they once did trust.
Is what I have so far, I haven't started on the Chief red jacket poem.
Ok so I'm supposed to write how the Europeans felt when they found America and how the Taino (the Indians that were originally there)felt about what happened, and I'm kind of stuck.
4 answers
You started out in past tense, shifted to present, then back to past. Please make it all consistent.
Keep on going ...
Keep on going ...
So....should I take
"The Indians do not argue with us.
We were the people they once did trust. "
Out of the poem?
"The Indians do not argue with us.
We were the people they once did trust. "
Out of the poem?
No ... you need to make sure all the verbs are in either present or past tense. Don't mix them up.