1. Jiskha has NO connection with any online school. Anyone who has told you we do is vastly mistaken.
2. We have no idea what your school's idea of a portfolio is.
3. Only YOU can answer these -- that is, IF you have read and studied as you were instructed.
4. You need to report your inability to watch the video to the school and to your parents.
Ok so im in Connectins academy, and i have a portfolio assignment that I would like help on.
Here are the questions: (I did number one but I would like help with different ones)
2. What disturbing trends in leadership did Torres notice while studying what makes great leaders?
3.What are the three questions that define leadership in the 21st century?
4. How can you use these questions to help you better develop your ownleadership skills?
I cant watch the video because it wont open on my computer. I appreciate any help.
3 answers
if you search the first question in google you will fine a URL, it is the first one to pop up, it should help you answer most of the questions you have. good luck :)
Thanks Erika