Ok so I need help getting started on my essay. The topic: "Where do animals belong in the moral community? Should animals be seen as only having instrumental worth to humans, or do animals have some intrinsic worth? Should they be given any rights? Is it speciesist to give preferential treatment to humans over non-human animals?"

My thoughts on this:
Animals don't belong in the moral community, as they don't have morals, but act purely on instinct. But they DO belong in the human community. A common-sense approach is to recognize that there are compelling reasons to use animals for medical research and other purposes, and at the same time to affirm our obligation to treat animals with respect and compassion. I believe that animals have both instrumental worth AND intrinsic worth, but it depends on the animal/species. For example, livestock has instrumental worth because they serve a purpose. But bears, wolves, domesticated animals, wild animals, etc have intrinsic worth. They are their OWN being and don't belong to anybody (except the domesticated animals).

If I could just get some help started with this paper, that would be GREATLY appreciated! I think I have some ideas for the bodies of my essay but I just need help getting started, and a good thesis.

Thesis: While it can be argued that animals are a part of the human community, they are not part of the moral community.

Is this thesis I came up with ok, or can it be corrected anymore? Please help me for I have to get a good grade on this paper!

8 answers

The only thing I'd change is to emphasize your thesis -- such as:

Animals are not part of the moral community, although they are part of the human community.

Now, I've never really written an essay before. And I was never taught (high school was a joke). So I'm not sure how to get started with this. And when I looked up on google and other sites how to do this, I was still confused. Any advice?
This site should get you started.

This site is really good in helping you learn the steps in the writing process. People who skip steps usually end up with papers that are badly organized or not organized at all.

This is really good, too, in setting up the steps for you. It was originally written for use in ESL classes, but the information is so good, I use it with all students who need this help.

This site has links to various aspects of writing essays, including grammar and usage.
THANK YOU!! SO MUCH!!!! :) :) :)
Oh and how about the thesis being:

While animals lack of cognition denies them acceptance to humanities moral sphere, their status as living creatures prevent us from treating them in a completely unjust manor.

Check out the poor and redone thesis statements on that webpage. Compare yours with the six examples and then the rewritten statements.

Let us know how you revise this.
ok. how about...

while society does not view animals as having cognition, therefore placing them outside the moral community, they still do belong and are involved with the human community.