Ok so I have to write a two voice poem on Christopher Columbus finding America, ok so I'm supposed to write how the Europeans felt when they found America and how the Taino (the Indians that were originally there)felt about what happened, and I'm kind of stuck. Now I know the history behind both, I know that the Europeans were very pleased to find America and how the Taino were very un-happy probably stressed because most were made to be slave or to leave and have Christianity forced on them. But I don't know now how to put it all in a two voice poem and make it sound right, mainly because I need to involve things like sensory imagery. Now, I'm not asking for you to make a poem for me, but maybe point me on what I should do cause I'm.............. well, lost so..

23 answers

Christopher Columbus:
I have found many islands and people,
And have taken possession of all that were found,
As well as enter all harbors,
And placed a large cross in the ground,
Making sure the cross was put in appropriately,
And Your Highnesses banner was unfurled,
The people did not argue, nor falter

Chief Red Jacket:
The White people have found our country,
And have taken it,
And now,
They forced their own religion,
Upon us,
We did not fear them at first.
We thought they were friends…

Now this just show's kinda where I am lol.
That's very good!
Rlly?? Well thx.. but is there anything I could add to well... make it better..
I'm a terrible poet! But you might mention disease brought by the Europeans and slavery from the native's voice.

You might also mention Columbus's search for gold and the free labor available.
Alright I'll see Where I could include that thx! ^.^
You're welcome.
love ya
I mean the poem sorry. this is very good it helps me as well. thx
Hey Jake, are you in CA/Cnxs online school?
Rmie, I am!! This helps a lot!
I am to, lol this helped me too!
im in CA
i have to write the same poem!! i am doing online school and i will say your poem helped me figure out where i should start. i agree with everyone else too. amazing poem, well done :)
wattabout both voice together any ideas???
thx for the help
Wont they check for copyright though?
Here is a poem I made myself

Chief’s Perspective:
I am one of five, a mighty leader I be.
Governing millions of Taino’s; their safety up to me,
One day a ship approaches with a tribe of pale face people,
We offer fruits of our labor and land; and shelters in our steeples.
But even after we gave what we could it did not seem enough,
The pale faced people did not budge from where they stood,
Our lives would soon be snuff,
Ravaged by disease and war,
Our numbers began to dwindle.
A mighty leader till my last roar,
Our village turned to kindle.

Columbus’s Perspective:
After many months at sea;
Land is up ahead.
Strange looking people look out at me;
They will listen or be dead.
I bring the word of the lord;
So bow your head and praise,
Or youll see the end of my sword,
And your eyes will begin to glaze.
What I offer is salvation,
To redeem your damned souls.
I bring this to England’s new nation,
a land of religion and goals.
thx wow rlly! good
I too have to write the poem. Can anyone tell me where I can find better information about Columbus's voyage but can't find any good information that will help
so im a lil confused, on the message board it says you can go to the EBSCO database. So I did and it says to do the poem like this

Columbus both Taino
I believe everyone has a proper place I believe everyone's equal
We have a society

so like im confusion.. LMAO
I just posted that and it did not come out the way I meant so nvm
Describe the European view of Columbus’s voyage and his encounter with the Taino
help pls