ok..so i have these labs in technology. and i'm on the first one. here's how it goes:


Technology is the application of knowledge to create machines, materials, or systems to help us make work esasiers, to make life more comfortable, or to help control the natural or human-made environment

The Easy-Play Game Company has developed a new board game for two players. The game uses five red marbles and five green marbles as the playing pieces. They find that counting out the marbles one by one is too costly.

Design a technological device (machine) that will count five marbles at a time from a box containing a large number of marbles.

so, already i'm a litte lost. i know what to do. i just don't hve a clue how i'm going to do it.

here's the sheet i have to fill out:
1. Restate the Situation in your own words, being sure to include all fo the facts provided in the Siutatuion statement. State a clear explanation of the problem you intend to solve.

(ok, i can do this)

2. The Challenge for this problem includes a few design restrictions. List those restrictions here and keep them in mind as you proceed to the next step.


3. On the graph paper provided for this lab, sketch two solutions to this design problem. Label these Solution 1 and Solution2.

:( .. ..ok, this is the part where i have no idea of what to sketch.

4. which of your solutions (machines) is more efficient in terms of saving time?

5. Which of your solutions would be the least expensive to manufacture?Why?

6. Which of your solutions would cost the least to operate?Why?

7. Write one more question that you would ask yourself before chooosing between your two ideas.

8. Choose the best solution and explain why you think it is the proper choice.

9. Now that you've spent some time reflecting on your design, list at least two ways that you could improve upon it.

10. On the graph paper provided, make a neat sketch of the machine that you would sell to the Easy-Play Game Company to solve their marble counting problems. Label it Final Solution..

please give me some ideas

2 answers

can someone please help my by giving me some good ideas on this?
Bro.. 2009😕you still need some ideas bro? Bc if so I’ll help