The way you stated the first problem and without a diagram to guide us, I don't think you can expect an answer to that one.
For your second, I tried to construct a diagram containing your information.
You don't ask a question about it.
All I could deduce is that <BOC = 80ยบ
ok, so i don't understand this question. : which postulate justifies the following statement? "exactly one plane contains <(angle)ABC"??? i don't get what i'm supposed to answer and i don't even understand what it's trying to say.
and i've got one aother question about a problem if someone could explain to me. : B is in the interior of <AOC. C is in the interior of <BOD. m<AOD=100 degrees, m<COD= 10 degrees, and m<AOB=m<COD.
my teacher hasn't explained any of this to me no matter how many times i've asked him. so any help will be welcome!!!
1 answer