OK so can u guys help me compare/contrast
A Tale of Two Cities to A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.. like compare characters,plot,theme,or writing style..
so far I have got....
The most obvious similarity between A Tale of Two Cities and A Christmas Carol is the theme of redemption. In both cases, you have at least one character who gets a second chance at honor, at being a better person than he was before. Sidney Carton's redemption lead to his death, but a death full of triumph. Ebenezer Scrooge's redemption lead to more life than he would have had otherwise, but that life was one filled with goodness and love and giving.
Another obvious similarity in both books is in how unloved and unloving both Carton and Scrooge were at the beginning and how each man changed entirely by the end. Both started out living lives of selfishness and ended by being the most generous of men.
Charles Dickens generally used foreshadowing in his novels too. The very physical resemblance between Sidney Carton and Charles Darnay was foreshadowing of what was to come. The spilled wine in A Tale of Two Cities foreshadowed the blood that would soon be flowing courtesy of Madame Le Guillotine.
There is foreshadowing throughout A Christmas Carol, too. The very beginning gives you an example of foreshadowing: "There is no doubt that Marley was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate.” It is foreshadowing that Marley will be a part of the action of the story, even though he died before the story began.
just add on pleasse
2 answers
That's not going to happen!
Yes, you need to add all kinds of details, and once you have written it all up, post again, and we'll be happy to read it over and comment.
The most obvious similarity between A Tale of Two Cities and A Christmas Carol is the theme of redemption. In both cases, you have at least one character who gets a second chance at honor, at being a better person than he was before. Sidney Carton's redemption lead to his death, but a death full of triumph. Ebenezer Scrooge's redemption lead to more life than he would have had otherwise, but that life was one filled with goodness and love and giving.
Define "redemption" more completely and tell why this was significant, especially in the Victorian culture in England.
Give very specific details about each character -- what was he like before and after "redemption" and what the catalyst was.
Get rid of all forms of "you" and "I" anywhere in the paper.
Another obvious similarity in both books is in how unloved and unloving both Carton and Scrooge were at the beginning and how each man changed entirely by the end. Both started out living lives of selfishness and ended by being the most generous of men.
Again, more details. This one is REALLY sketchy!
Charles Dickens generally used foreshadowing in his novels too. The very physical resemblance between Sidney Carton and Charles Darnay was foreshadowing of what was to come. The spilled wine in A Tale of Two Cities foreshadowed the blood that would soon be flowing courtesy of Madame Le Guillotine.
There is foreshadowing throughout A Christmas Carol, too. The very beginning gives you an example of foreshadowing: "There is no doubt that Marley was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate.” It is foreshadowing that Marley will be a part of the action of the story, even though he died before the story began.
This is odd. Only one skimpy paragraph on each of the previous points, but two paragraphs here? You really should end up with two paragraphs each -- for a total of six comparison paragraphs.