ok! i have a huge french test comming up in 2 days and i need help with memorizing the subjontif and imparitif of a verb as well as infinatif. (sorry, i cant spell!)
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. To memorize, you need to analyze what type of learner you are. If you are visual, you need to SEE what you want to memorize. Use the bilious green, yellow, etc. to set spelling in your mind's eye. If you are aural, you need to HEAR what you wanta to memorize. Put it on tape, with a space after each word or phrase. At first, just listen passively. This is as close to learning by osmosis as you can get! Then, if it helps you, look at the word/phrase in that space and finally REPEAT it in that space. If you are a kinesthetic learner, it is harder to learn but you will remember longer. You must be PHYSICALLY involved in what you learn. Trace it out, walk through it literally, etc. There are lots of mneumonics (memory tricks) to help learning.
The French Subjunctive: Are you working with the present, the past, both, etc.? What about the Perfect Subjunctive? The more explicit you are, the better I can help you. Do you know WHY and WHEN to use the Subjunctive in the first place? It is generally in the dependent clause (the one that will not stand alone) and introduced by "que."
Since you have asked for a great deal in one posting, this is on memorizing first. Now, do you need to know how to form the regular and the irregular Present Subjunctive? Please ask for one thing at a time!
I have so many reviews but have recently learned that I can not copy and paste here, so I have to type everything you want all over. That takes time! You learn best by "one step at a time."
2 answers