oh i forgot to put in my original draft, which i also forgot to say it was a rough draft. my rough draft needs to have multiparagraph, insights, transitions, and that i wrote a narrative.
rough draft: choices
An incident from my circle map is when I chose to do homework later and to study later and I woke up late which was around 4 A.M. and I cursed at myself because I thought it was impossible to do all my homework within an hour. Other reasons are that I hated waking up late because at 5 A.M. that's when I take a shower (which takes long) and I prepare my food (if I have time), brush my teeth (also takes long), and I had to take bus at around 6 A.M.
It was really stressful to finish so much in an hour because most of the work would be due that day and also it rushes me to finish one work then move on to the other, and if other work are not due that day then I won't think too much about it and think I can do it later, then I will just pile it on to my next work which is not fun.
Most of the time when I end up not doing my homework is because I get distracted by electronics (at home) or thinking that I should take a break by sleeping (and my naps are long, wasting time) or if I have to wake up to do my homework and it's early I just go back to sleep and think for a little bit and I end up sleeping an hour and rushing to do my home work.
2 answers
Now, I won't be rushing like that no more, I will tell or convince my self that you're going to not finish your work if you don't wake up or not putting that device down. I also won't make wrong dumb choices that lead to obvious consequences.
The consequences of this incident is me thinking, wow what an irresponsible lazy person and that always makes me mad at myself. Also, that I would cry to my self inside (depends on how much work) and I would blame on others for not waking me up when they had to or not. So, basically I lower myself or my esteem because of this.
My response to this incident is you really need to think about the consequences anon, and if you can't because you're to tired, then think what would happen and think think to wake up and be wide awake. Also, that you are really lazy and stupid, and I'm disappointed at you for picking that device up and thinking that you can do your homework later even when your parents advised you to do them. So, from this day and onwards, I will think about the consequences and to my homework early.
i didn't edit any thing of my rough draft (or atleast i think so) so there are errors that i see which i can revise now. sorry that i posted the other half of my rough draft as an answer because i accidentally pressed a key or keys that made me submit my question early.
tank you very much tutors.