officer Mike and Gail, while patrolling an area known to them as a high crime area, observed 2 men get out of a car after seeing the patrol car. the passenger ran from the scene while the driver began walking away from the car with his hands tucked inside the front of his sweat pants. he did not comply with orders to stop and remove his hands from his pants until the officers caught up with him. officer Mike then conducted a pat down for weapons. he discovered a pill bottle in defendants groin area and a large sum of money and a pager in his pockets. officer Mike later testified that he knew, from experience as an officer, that controlled substances were often carried in such a pill bottles.
officer Mike, a 20 year veteran of the police department testified that he recognized he defendant Ray from previous drug and weapons arrests and that Ray has a prison record. Officer Mike conducted a pat down frisk of Ray. he felt what he immediately identified as a pill bottle ticked inside Ray's sweat pants between his legs in the groin area. believing that the bottle contained contraband, mike removed it, opened it and found that it contained cocaine.
Ray argues that the cocaine was illegally seized
analyze the scenario including pro and con arguments and legal reasoning