Of which countries are Lima and Bogotá are the capital cities?

A. Argentina and Perú
B. Perú and Colombia
C. Chile and Colombia

Which of the following is the main ingredient in “humitas”?
A. maíz
B. banana
C. leche

Which option shows the correct order for meals in Spanish-speaking countries (beginning with the earliest one)?
A. refrigerio, desayuno, cena
B. desayuno, almuerzo, cena
C. desayuno, cena, almuerzo

Click on the link below to listen to the Spanish word for a color. Which one of the following food items corresponds to the color spoken?


A. la zanahoria
B. la banana
C. la ensalada

I want a very short Answer please

1 answer

B. Perú and Colombia. A. maíz. B. desayuno, almuerzo, cena. C. la ensalada.