To determine which investment has the greatest liquidity, we need to consider how quickly and easily each investment can be converted to cash.
Real Estate Investment: Although it earns $10,000 per year and can be sold for cash after 3 months, it is not highly liquid due to the time it takes to sell (3 months).
Stocks Investment: The $1,000 investment in stocks, which can be sold within 24 hours, provides high liquidity because it can be converted to cash very quickly.
Certificate of Deposit (CD): The $500 investment in a CD earns $5 after 6 months, and funds are only available at the end of that period, giving it low liquidity.
Savings Account: The $500 investment in a savings account earns $2 every year, but requires a 30 days' notice to withdraw funds, also indicating lower liquidity.
Conclusion: The investment that has the greatest liquidity among the options provided is the $1,000 investment in stocks, as it can be sold and converted to cash within 24 hours.