To evaluate the statements you've provided regarding exploration and early settlement of Arkansas, here are some clarifications:
Joliet and Marquette formed an alliance with the Chickasaw, who protected them; primary mission to expand French trade with Native Americans: This statement is historically accurate. Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet were early explorers who sought to explore the Mississippi River and were involved in trade and alliances with various Native American tribes, including the Chickasaw.
The Arkansas was established primarily as an agricultural culture: This statement is somewhat misleading as it implies that the primary purpose of the Arkansas establishment as a region was solely agricultural. While agriculture eventually became significant, the early French settlement, particularly with the establishment of Arkansas Post, was primarily focused on trade and establishing a foothold in the region.
The Arkansas Post gave the French control over the West Bank of the Mississippi River: This statement is accurate. The Arkansas Post, established in 1686, was crucial for French control over trade and strategic positioning along the Mississippi River.
Based on this analysis, the first and the third statements can be selected as accurately describing the exploration and early settlement of Arkansas. The second statement is misleading and not entirely correct as stated.