Here are the answers to your questions:
Of the five characteristics of living things, which one is required for the species to survive but does not have to apply to an individual? Answer: reproduction
Plant cells can use energy from the sun to make food. Animal cells cannot. Which organelle is responsible for this difference between plant and animal cells? Answer: chloroplast
Which statement about plasma membranes is correct? Answer: Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.
Which organelle processes sugar? Answer: mitochondrion
What is the function of the plasma membrane? Answer: It helps recognize other cells.
Which statement is correct about the function of a pseudopod? Answer: It helps unicellular organisms move.
Which function is due to specialized cells found only in plants? Answer: photosynthesis
How are leaf cells and root cells different? Answer: Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not.
Feel free to ask if you have more questions!