Ocean Circulation Quick Check

1 answer

1. What drives ocean circulation?
- Ocean circulation is primarily driven by a combination of wind, temperature, and salinity gradients in the ocean.

2. How do wind patterns affect ocean circulation?
- Wind patterns can create surface currents in the ocean, which in turn drive deeper ocean currents through a process known as Ekman transport.

3. What role does temperature play in ocean circulation?
- Variations in temperature drive the density differences in the ocean, which can lead to the sinking or rising of water masses and the formation of deep ocean currents.

4. How does salinity affect ocean circulation?
- Salinity gradients in the ocean can also impact density differences, leading to the sinking or rising of water masses and influencing ocean circulation patterns.

5. What are the two main types of ocean currents?
- The two main types of ocean currents are surface currents, which are driven by wind patterns and move near the ocean's surface, and deep ocean currents, which are driven by density differences and move in the deeper layers of the ocean.