Objective: Students will analyze how the author’s purpose and point of view work together in a passage.

1 answer

To help your students analyze how the author’s purpose and point of view work together in a passage, you can follow these steps:

Lesson Plan

Objective: Students will analyze how the author’s purpose and point of view work together in a passage.

Materials Needed

  • A selected passage (fiction or nonfiction) that clearly demonstrates an author's purpose and point of view
  • Graphic organizer for analysis
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Example of the author's purpose (to inform, persuade, entertain, etc.)
  • Example of point of view (first person, third person, etc.)

Introduction (10 minutes)

  1. Discuss Author's Purpose: Define the concept of author’s purpose. Explain the different purposes authors might have (to inform, persuade, entertain, etc.).
  2. Discuss Point of View: Define point of view and differentiate between first person, second person, and third person views.

Guided Practice (15 minutes)

  1. Read the Passage: Have students read the selected passage silently.
  2. Identify and Discuss:
    • Ask students to identify the author's purpose. What is the author trying to achieve with this passage?
    • Discuss the point of view. Whose perspective is the story told from? How does this shape the reader’s understanding?

Group Activity (20 minutes)

  1. Graphic Organizer: Distribute a graphic organizer where students can categorize parts of the text that reveal the author’s purpose and point of view.

    • Column 1: Quotes or paraphrases from the text
    • Column 2: Author’s Purpose
    • Column 3: Point of View
  2. Collaboration: In small groups, have students fill out the organizer and discuss:

    • How does the author's purpose influence the writing style or tone?
    • How does the point of view affect what the reader knows about characters or events?

Independent Practice (15 minutes)

  1. Analysis Essay: Have students write a short paragraph or essay analyzing how the author’s purpose and point of view work together in the selected passage. Prompt them with questions like:
    • How does the author’s chosen point of view strengthen their purpose?
    • Can you find examples where the author’s purpose is clearly reflected through the point of view?

Closing (5 minutes)

  1. Share: Invite a few students to share their insights or examples from their analysis.
  2. Recap: Summarize key points about the relationship between author’s purpose and point of view.


Evaluate students’ understanding through their participation in group discussions, the completion of the graphic organizer, and their written analysis.

Sample Passage for Analysis

Consider using a passage from a well-known novel, a news article, or a short story that provides a clear perspective and purpose, such as an excerpt from "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Harper Lee) which provides first-person point of view and has a purpose of highlighting social justice issues.

This structured approach will encourage students to critically engage with texts and understand the intricacies of how an author communicates meaning through purpose and perspective.