Objective of Exercise: Use Appendix Q to research organizational culture. Write a 100- to 200- word customer base description and the 300- to 400- word set of customer service standards. Also, write a 500- to 750- word essay in APA format on an organizational culture you admire or would like to be a part of. In this essay you should describe the following:

1. What about the organization's culture appeals to you?
2.. What values do you and the organization share?
3. Which of the seven primary characteristics of organizational culture does the organization embody?
4. Does the organization you identified have a strong or weak culture? Explain.
5. Is this culture ethical, customer-responsive, or spiritual?

1 answer

We'll be happy to comment on your ideas once you have this written up. Obviously, we don't have "Appendix Q" here, nor does anyone here know what all this entails.