O is a dibasic acid H2X .G is a solution containing 1.00g of NaOH in 250cm³ solution.

1) calculate the concentration of G in mol/dm³
2) calculate the concentration of O in mol /dm³
3) molar mass of acid given that 100cm³ of O contains 0.485g of the acid

1 answer

1. G contains 1.00 g NaOH/250 cc. That will be 4.00 g/dm^3 [that's 1.00 g x (1,000 cc/250 cc = 4.00 g/dm^3]
mols NaOH = grams NaOH/molar mass NaOH =4.00/40 = 0.1 mol/dm^3
2. Can't do 2 in moles/dm^3. 3 says it is 4.85 g/dm^3 but no way to calculate moles.
3. Can't do molar mass. Must have moles to do molar mass.