For the reference provided, you can use the following in-text citation formats depending on your specific citation style:
**APA (7th Edition) style:**
*Parenthetical citation:*
(Nyalo, Omwenga, & Ngugi, 2023)
*Narrative citation:*
Nyalo, Omwenga, and Ngugi (2023)
**MLA (8th Edition) style:**
*Parenthetical citation:*
(Nyalo, Omwenga, and Ngugi)
*Narrative citation:*
Nyalo, Omwenga, and Ngugi
**Chicago (Author-Date) style:**
*Parenthetical citation:*
(Nyalo, Omwenga, and Ngugi 2023)
*Narrative citation:*
Nyalo, Omwenga, and Ngugi (2023)
Ensure you adapt the style according to your specific requirements or guidelines.
Nyalo, P. O., Omwenga, G. I., & Ngugi, M. P. (2023).
provide the intext quotes for the above information
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