Now that you have reviewed the labor laws and the responsibilities of human resources, your instructor will group you into teams of 2 – 3. You will work together as the human resource department at Wright Technologies for the rest of this project.
Before creating an affirmative action plan, your team will look for real-life examples of equal employment opportunity issues. On the Internet, find three cases that illustrate equal opportunity issues. Using the chart below, provide a brief summary of the case and how it deals with equal employment policy. Then, describe how the case was resolved, including the suggested action plan. Provide source information for the cases you find.
As you will be writing an affirmative action plan, you must include one affirmative action case.
Case 1
Equal Employment Issue
Case 2
Equal Employment Issue
Case 3
Equal Employment Issue
Use the cases you researched to write a brief response to the prompts below.
1. Do you think the implementation of the affirmative action program was different than any other equal employment issue resolution? Use examples from the cases to support your answer.
2. List the communication or interpersonal tools or skills that were missing in these companies that led to these cases. Do you think that this was a single person’s fault or the company as a whole?
3. Identify the general steps needed to develop an affirmative action plan. What skills are associated with each part?
1 answer