- The poem uses nature imagery to create a sense of tranquility and stillness.
- There is a focus on silence and stillness in the natural world.
- The poem suggests a sense of loss or absence of something (like birdsong).
- The first stanza focuses on closing windows and the fields being hushed, while the second stanza focuses on the marshes and the wind.
- The first stanza mentions trees tossing silently, while the second stanza mentions the wind being heard but not felt.
- The first stanza mentions no birds singing, while the second stanza talks about the anticipation of birdsongs returning.
Now Close The Window
Now close the windows and hush all the fields;
If the trees must, let them silently toss;
No bird is singing now, and if there is,
Be it my loss.
It will be long ere the marshes resume,
It will be long ere the earliest bird:
So close the windows and not hear the wind,
But see all the wind-stirred.
List similars and differences about the images in the poem.
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