Note: Respond in at least 5 sentences. The answer needs to be written in complete sentences. Include at least 1 quote from one of William Wordsworth's poems to earn full credit and support your response.
In this unit, you read William Wordsworth’s poems “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey,” “The World Is Too Much with Us,” and “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud." Identify 3 of the romantic values Wordsworth conveys with a quotation from the poem which shows the romantic values.
1 answer
One of the romantic values that Wordsworth conveys in his poetry is a deep connection to nature. In "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey," he writes, "Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." This quote reveals Wordsworth's belief in the power of nature to inspire and comfort those who appreciate its beauty. Another romantic value evident in Wordsworth's poetry is the importance of solitude and reflection. In "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud," he writes, "A poet could not but be , in such a jocund company." This line highlights the joy and solace that can be found in moments of solitary observation and contemplation. Lastly, Wordsworth emphasizes the significance of memory and nostalgia in his poetry. In "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey," he describes how revisiting a location from his past brings back memories and emotions, stating, "Though absent long, these forms of beauty have not been to me, as is a landscape to a blind man's eye." This demonstrates the romantic value of cherishing past experiences and the impact they have on the present.