? h - 12.1 = 65
h = 77.1 in.
Check the solution:
77.1 in. - 12.1 in. = 65 in.
Note: Remember to show all of the steps that you use to solve the problem. Be sure to use the text box where the question mark (?) first appears to show your mathematical work. You can use the comments field to explain your work. Your teacher will review each step of your response to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer.
Write and solve an equation for the situation. Check the solution.
A gardener measures the tallest of his prize-winning sunflowers and finds that the height is 65 in. The sunflower has grown 12.1 inches since the last time the gardener measured it. How tall was the sunflower when it was last measured?
Write an algebraic equation that represents the scenario.
Solve to find the solution.
2 answers
Wrong, the bot's sunflower would be shrinking, not growing.
original height --- x
x + 12.1 = 65
x = 65-12.1 = 52.9
original height --- x
x + 12.1 = 65
x = 65-12.1 = 52.9