Not Judging a Book by its Cover
A. Gautam
JODI, a seventh grader
NANCY, a seventh grader
STEVEN, a seventh grader
[Curtains open. Jodi, Nancy, and Steven are at the library. They gather armloads of books and go to the quiet corner.]
JODI: [whispers to Nancy] Why did it have to be him?
STEVEN: [whispers to Jodi] You know I can hear you.
JODI: [stammers] Oh. I am. I am. I..
STEVEN: Sorry. I know. You don’t have to like me. Let’s just work on the project. The more we focus the quicker you will get rid of me.
JODI: Sheesh. I feel terrible. I just miss our old friend. We always did projects together.
STEVEN: Is she the one who spread all those rumors about you?
JODI: [raises her hand to protest] You didn’t know her when she was actually sweet.
STEVEN: You don’t really know me either. You listened to others before you got to know me. That’s not fair, you know.
JODI: [Hangs her head and remains silent.] You know what. You are absolutely right. Can I ask you something? How are you unafraid to be so –
STEVEN: Honest? And great at completing others’ sentences. I know.
JODI: [pauses and says each word slowly] Exactly. You are bold and cool.
STEVEN: Thanks. I have nothing to lose. I don’t look for the popular kids to hang out with. I am me. People who know me always want to be my friend. I am okay with that.
JODI: [smiles] I think I would like to be your friend. You could teach me a few things.
STEVEN: [smiles] I think you know more about Victorian era architecture than me. So, you can teach me, too.
[Steven and Jodi shake hands]
NANCY: What’s happening? How did you become friends?
JODI: Where were you this whole time?
NANCY: [turns off her music and takes off her headphones] What did I miss?
[Steven and Jodi laugh]
NANCY: Not again. Jodi made a friend first.
[Curtains close.]
What is the effect of the setting on the play?
A Because the characters are at the library, they whisperBecause the characters are at the library, they whisper
B Being in a quiet corner inspires Nancy to be quietBeing in a quiet corner inspires Nancy to be quiet
C Steven
1 answer