Not be to a nag, I was just wondering (in addition the energy section from my previous post) the wheel the electrical energy is present due to the motor. THis is then turned into kinetic energy, from the magnetic field that is created due to the copper coils surrounding the magnet in the center of the motor. Is this right? I was watching a video, and the science guy that the same things that I have, only he all of a sudden said, "the copper coils that surround the magnet create another magentic field. When these two magentic fields come together, they create kinetic energy and cause the axel of the Ferris wheel to spin." Ok, so where did these two fields comes from? Science guy only mentioned one, I watched the video 13 times and counting! Thanks again for the help!
2 answers
I don't answer many physics questions for there are others more qulified to help you on this board. However, here is a site on induction motors that may help you get started.
Thanks, could you possibly ask someone with more physics knowledge to take a look at my posts, that would be awesome! Thanks very much, I am scanning that site right now!!