Not all answer choices will be used.
1. This may be used with a semicolon to connect independent clauses and usually serves as a transition between the clauses.
2. This is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun.
3. This is used to compare 3 or more nouns. It takes a large idea and gives its essential meaning in a brief grouping of words.
4. This is a group of related words with a subject and predicate that acts to modify a noun or pronoun.
5. This is a word or group of words that modifies a noun and is linked to that noun by a verb.
6. This does not need to be capitalized and is the term given for the general description of a noun.
A. Adverb Clause.
B. Adjective Clause
C. Superlative Adjective
D. Adverb
E. Common Adjective
F. Predicate Adjective
G. Adjective
H. Conjunctive Adverb
I. Comparative Adjective
J. Proper Adjective
1 answer
2. G. Adjective
3. I. Comparative Adjective
4. B. Adjective Clause
5. F. Predicate Adjective
6. E. Common Adjective