No matter the subject area, when you are trying to determine if a source (in this case a person) is reputable, it is important to examine that person’s credentials. What is their education level? In which area? Does it qualify them as a legitimate source for information on a particular subject? Biology is actually a fairly broad area of science with many subdisciplines. Just because someone has a PhD does not make them a legitimate source of information for all things biology, or science for that matter. Which of these scientists would serve as better sources of information if you were researching vaccines?

Correct Answer(s)
Dr. Anthony Fauci, BA degree in Classics, Doctor of Medicine from Cornell University of Medicine, directs the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
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Dr. Sarah Gilbert, BA Biological Sciences, PhD Genetics and Biochemistry from University of East Anglia
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Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, MA in Astronomy, PhD in Astrophysics from Columbia University
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Dr. Edward O. Wilson, BS, MS, and PhD in Biology, expert in myrmecology (the study of ants)

1 answer

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Sarah Gilbert would be better sources of information if you were researching vaccines. Fauci's education and position as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases makes him a reputable source for information on vaccines. Dr. Sarah Gilbert's background in biological sciences and genetics also qualifies her as a legitimate source of information on vaccines. Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, with a background in astronomy and astrophysics, and Dr. Edward O. Wilson, an expert in myrmecology, would not be as relevant sources for information on vaccines.