Don't know what you call "five-step model," but here is a method.
Z = (mean1 - mean2)/standard error (SE) of difference between means
SEdiff = √(SEmean1^2 + SEmean2^2)
SEm = SD/√n
If only one SD is provided, you can use just that to determine SEdiff.
Find table in the back of your statistics text labeled something like "areas under normal distribution" to find the proportion/probability related to the Z score.
No idea where to begin...
Do men or women watch more T.V. per day? To answer the question two samples were select with the help of SPSS and the following results were produced. Is there a significant difference between men and women in watching T.V.? Perform five-step model to test the hypothesis.
Descriptive Statisticsa
N Mean Std. Deviation
HOURS 86 2.56 2.324
Valid N (listwise) 86
Descriptive Statisticsa
N Mean Std. Deviation
HOURS 96 3.01 2.269
Valid N (listwise) 96
1 answer