No idea how to do this. All I know is E=hf and found that a is 3.96 x 10^-19
Consider a sidewalk section that has an area of 1 m^2
and assume the sun is directly overhead.
Also, assuming the sun is beaming primarily green light, which has a wavelength of 500 nm. (a)
What is the energy of one sunlight photon? (b) Using the fact that the power of the sunlight on
this square meter is about 1367 W, how many photons hit the sidewalk section in one second? (c)
What is the momentum of one sunlight photon? (d) What is the momentum of all photons that hit
this sidewalk section in one second? (e) Now suppose an ant falls on the sidewalk. A typical ant
weighs 4x10^-6 kg and falls at 1.8 m/s. What is the ant’s momentum? (f) Which exerts a greater momentum, the ant or 1 second of sunlight? (g) Which would exert a greater momentum if the sidewalk were silvered, like a mirror