no clue on how to start writing for this.
Historians have used the terms "robber barons" and "captains of industry" to describe the powerful industrialists of the late 1800s. Compare the two points of view reflected by these terms and which do you think is more accurate.
need related info..please help
4 answers
what do these terms mean?
Please read your text to find out the definitions.
robber barons is a more negative view than captain of industry right?
which do you think is more accurate? im not sure
which do you think is more accurate? im not sure
You're right -- robber barons was a negative view.
Now you have to think about what these men did. Which do you think is the more accurate term? Remember -- there is no wrong answer. This question is designed for you to read and think.
Now you have to think about what these men did. Which do you think is the more accurate term? Remember -- there is no wrong answer. This question is designed for you to read and think.