Nina, Shanti and Belle run a 1000 m race at a constant speed. When Nina crossed the finish line first, she was 200 m ahead of Shanti and 400 m ahead of Belle. When Shanthi crossed the finish line, how far ahead of Belle was she?
8 answers
What seems to be a reasonable answer for you?
I haven't been able to come up with an equation to solve this but the answers say it's 9km/h
That answer doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't answer the question -- how far ahead of Belle was she?
This is the exact question from my textbook. It is very confusing
Please check with your teacher.
I just checked the question and there is no typo. This is the exact question. Could you please help me
When Shanthi crossed the finish line, she was 200 meters ahead of Belle.
The answer was 250 metres though